Thursday, 10 September 2015

Wales for less than half an hour

Keynsham to Leominster
Miles - 81.9. calories 3861. climbing 1523 metres
Day 4
The two lunch approach worked so well yesterday, we have decided to make it part of our routine. The question is - will we be able to break it when we get home?!

Fewer hills today, but a lot of winding along small roads between Bristol and the Severn Bridge involving lots of map reading, which made us much slower than we should have been. We decided that there were some rather nice houses in the villages around Bristol. Three years at university there, and I had no idea what it was like a few miles outside the city centre.

The Severn Bridge crossing was a highlight, and we briefly swung through a corner of Wales before stopping in Chepstow for lunch number one. The cafe had wifi, which gave me the chance to blog for the first time in a couple of days.

The next section took us up the lovely Wye valley, with beautiful views across the river and more up and down until we rolled into Ross on Wye for an excellent second lunch. Andy and I opted for a first rate Tortilla - Matt went down the full chilli route. Good reason not to ride behind him in the  afternoon.

We met a fellow end to ender, who had seen us at the start and recognised Rachel's pink bike, and then wound our way up another lovely valley alongside the Wye, past fields of fine Hereford cattle and rolling golden wheat fields with the bales lined up in rows.

For our last evening with Angela and Michael, we celebrated making it a third of the way to John O Groats with a curry at the Jalalabad. Delicious, but possibly an unwise decision.

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